New Works: Pavilion Commissions 2008, National Media Museum, Bradford, 13 September 2008 — 25 January 2009
Selectors: Stefanie Braun and Clare Grafik, The Photographers’ Gallery; Greg Hobson, National Media Museum; Max Khandola, photographer; Anna Reid, Pavilion.
The exhibition features five new commissions by photographers Peter Ainsworth, Tess Hurrell, Jo Longhurst, Moira Lovell and Kevin Newark. The projects explore varied subjects and demonstrate the range of exciting talent working in the UK today.
Work exhibited A-Z, 215 appropriated photographs on mdf.
Catalogue: Pavilion Commissions Programme 2008, edited by Ruth Haycock, with texts by Charles Danby, Jennifer Doyle, Mark Durden and Jonathan Whitehall: Pavilion, Leeds ISBN 9780954477554